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Palestinian Prisoners
Fatima Al Rimawi
Fatima Al Rimawi

Post 1: " ​📢 URGENT: Stand Up for Justice!


Meet Fatima Rimawi—a devoted Palestinian union leader and early childhood educator, who has spent over 30 years nurturing young minds in the West Bank. But since January 2024, Fatima has been detained without trial by the IDF and is currently held in the notorious Damon military prison.


This prison is infamous for its severe conditions: overcrowding, lack of medical care, and psychological torture. Fatima, like many others, endures this daily. Her arrest has left her family and community in deep distress, with her husband Ghassan calling on the world for help.


The recent report by B’Tselem, titled “Welcome to Hell,” exposes these human rights abuses, describing the facilities as de-facto torture camps. Even in these difficult times, the rule of law must prevail.


🔴 Take Action Now! Fatima deserves justice. Tweet Israel’s Minister of Defense @yoavgallant and demand her immediate release. Your voice can make a difference. Together, we can bring Fatima and many others like her home.


#FreeFatimaAlRimawi #HumanRights #JusticeForAll

​🖋️ Tag your friends, share this post, and let’s make sure our governments know we won’t stand for this. "

Post 2: " 📓 As Our Teachers Head Back to School, Fatima and Many Others in Palestine Are Not...


While classrooms fill with eager students and dedicated teachers around the world, Fatima Rimawi—a lifelong educator and union leader in Palestine—remains unjustly detained. Since January 2024, Fatima has been held without trial by the IDF in the notorious Damon prison, a place known for its brutal conditions and human rights abuses.


​Fatima’s absence is felt deeply by her students, her family, and her community. A teacher with over 30 years of experience, she has spent her life shaping young minds in the West Bank. Now, instead of preparing lessons, she’s enduring overcrowding, poor medical care, and psychological torture.

As we support our teachers this school year, let’s not forget those who are silenced.


🔴 Take Action Now: Tweet Israel’s Minister of Defense @yoavgallant, demand Fatima’s release, and stand up for all teachers unjustly imprisoned. Your voice can help bring Fatima and many others back to where they belong—teaching and inspiring the next generation.


✊ #FreeFatimaAlRimawi #StandWithTeachers #JusticeForAll

🖋️ Share this post and help spread the word. Together, we can make a difference! " 

Post 3: 💔 A Community Mourns

Fatima’s absence is felt deeply in the West Bank. As a devoted early childhood educator, she has touched countless lives with her passion and commitment. Her family, students, and colleagues are heartbroken over her unjust detention.

Fatima’s story is not just about one woman but about the many Palestinian women enduring similar fates in military prisons. They are mothers, educators, and leaders whose voices are being silenced.

📣 Let’s not allow these stories to go unheard. Share Fatima’s story and advocate for her release.

#EducationNotIncarceration #FreeFatimaAlRimawi #HumanRightsViolations "

Post 4: 🚨 The Inhumane Conditions of Damon Prison

Fatima is currently held in Damon Prison, notorious for overcrowding, poor ventilation, inadequate food, and severe psychological abuse. Human rights groups describe it as a “network of suffering.” Fatima, along with many others, endures humiliation and isolation daily.

These women are not just prisoners; they are educators, mothers, and community pillars. Fatima’s husband, Ghassan, calls on the international community to act against this inhumane treatment.

📢 Let’s amplify this call for action. Together, we can make a difference.

#WelcomeToHell #StopTheAbuse #JusticeForFatima "

Post 5:  "🌟 Hope Amidst the Struggle

Despite the difficult circumstances, there remains a glimmer of hope. The resilience of the judicial system offers the possibility of justice, even in the most challenging times. Fatima and others like her deserve the opportunity to defend themselves in court, rather than languishing in prison without trial.

📢 Let’s continue to push for justice. Share this post, tag your friends, and keep Fatima’s story alive. Together, we can help bring her home.

#JusticeForFatima #ResistInjustice #FreeFatimaNow "

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